How to Write a Letter of Intent for University

A statement of purpose is required for admissions to business schools and graduate degree program. It is a mandatory part of the document list for college admissions or international business school applications in addition to your GRE scores or GMAT scores. The SOP is also referred to as a letter of intent.  It is a critical document used by the admission committee to scrutinize the application and admit  prospective student as per the best interests of his/her career, achievements, intellect, financial aid, and overall background.
A strong statement of purpose is crucial for admission to top universitiesor graduate schools and highlights you as a prospective student. It is submitted along with your application to reflect the candidate's overall achievements in his/her career. It highlights a student's strengths and weaknesses and hence allows the admissions committees of the university/educational institute to take an unbiased decisionregarding admittance.

statement of purpose
An effective SOP should highlight the reasons for applying to a specific University, the objective behind opting for a particular field of interest, the relevance of current activities. It should also highlight how the applicant can add value to the program. It is not just a statement as the name suggests, it is a story of the student's journey. Some schools require students to have participated in internship programs and other work experience.
The format of the SOP depends on the program applied to. Degree programs such as Doctoral programs, academic programs, certificate programs, graduate courses, master's program, each have a completely different format highlighting the interest in the specific field of study. A good statement of purpose should not only speak about your personality but also highlight your abilities & how to use them to overcome hurdles.

What is GRE?

GRE stands for Graduate Record Examination that was created as an entrance test for graduate students seeking higher education in top schools.
GRE scores includes awa (0-6), quantitative (130-170), verbal (130-170) and a total score (260-340).

Which Students need Statement of Purpose ( SOP ).

Many universities such as Liberty University, Washington state university, Research universities, The University of South California & The University of South Dakota give utmost importance to the statement of purpose & recommendation letters.
In the below article, we discuss in detail tips for writing an SOP. To begin with, the first draft of your statement of purpose should talk in brief about your specialization, field of study, relevant experience, and what interests you. Since Universities primarily look for candidates with a strong background and varied interests and relevent experience, a strong statement of purpose must demonstrate your educational qualification, leadership, and data analytical skills.


What should I include in an SOP?

Below are few important points to consider while writing your statement of purpose

  1. Your academic progress
  2. Activities that demonstrate leadership skills with relevant experience
  3. Your professional development
  4. Test score results
  5. A successful research project
  6. Your major strength and weakness
  7. Professional accomplishments
  8. Extracurricular activities
  9. Short and long term goals

Before you begin writing your statement of purpose.

  1. Check samples of SOP and go through the overall structure.
  2. Follow student communities of your related course and find related keywords that you can include in your SOP.
  3. Clear & Concise Writing: Writing skills, grammar, language, diction, and vocabulary play a significant role.
  4. Emphasize everything from a positive perspective and write in active - not passive voice.
  5. Demonstrate everything by example; do not say directly that you are a persistent person, show it.
  6. Do not make it too formal.
  7. Explore the faculty and research projects in the university you are applying to.
  8. Mention positive experiences and examples
  9. Make sure to get your SOP reviewed by an expert.

Statement of Purpose Recommended Length by Experts.

Experts suggest the recommended length of your SOP should not exceed more than 1 page. Unless the specific program says otherwise, be concise; an ideal essay should say everything it needs to with brevity. Approximately 500 to 1000 well-selected words (1-2 single space pages in 12-point font) is better than more words with less clarity and poor organization.
The reason being, Grads schools admissions officers are flooded with thousands of applications, not everyone has the resources to read through the complete information, hence, you need to be precise and selective while writing.

How to Structure your Statement of Purpose (SOP) in 4 Paragraphs.

SOP Paragraph 1 – Introduction

The first paragraph is usually an introduction about your background, work profile & relevancy to the specific program you are applying for, your current & future goals, and how this program can help you achieve them.

SOP Paragraph 2

Your Goals and how this program can help you achieve it.

In this paragraph, you discuss your interest in the chosen subject and how it relates to your background, work profile, school program, and how this can help you achieve your goals. Your writing must be precise and to the point.

SOP Paragraph 3

Highlight your skills, abilities & why you believe you are the right candidate.
In the 3rd paragraph, highlight the events and experiences you had in the specific field. For example, you can talk about your internship programs, relevant projects and add any social services if applicable.

Closing Paragraph – Future plans

In this part of the essay, you can talk about how this course or program is going to help you in the future with your career. It is always good to mention both short term and long-term goals.

Below are few successful Statement of purpose examples & proven successful statement of purpose samples.

Statement of Purpose Example # 1

Statement of Purpose Sample

Statement of Purpose Sample for Masters

Statement of Purpose Sample for Masters

Detailed Statement of Purpose Example

Personal Statement of Purpose Sample


We have tried to give you a Statement of Purpose sample or format to get you started on your Statement of Purpose for MBA, BBA, MS, and many other graduate school programs. as we understand how overwhelming it can get,
GoToUniveristy can help you with tips on writing a strong statement of purpose for top grad schools and graduate programs. Our expert admission counselors can not only help you with a strong statement of purpose for graduate schools but also help secure finalcial aid or scholarships

GoToUniversity provides a platform that connects students with universities, empowering the students to make the right choice with minimum effort. Our academic counselors are experts in helping students pick the right course, help with essay editing, apply to university through the correct application process and get admission.

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How to Write a Letter of Intent for University


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